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Pro Otology
Balkan Journal of Otology & Neuro-Otology, Vol. 4, No 2-3:113—117 © 2004
All rights reserved. Published by Pro Otology Association
Vestibular Effect on the Auditory Function
Formation of Perception of Time, Intensity, Frequency and Sound Localization in Space
Atanas Kehaiov
Institute of Hygiene and Occupational Health, Department of Otorhinolaryngology and Otoneurology, Sofia, Bulgaria
Objective: Vestibular effect on the auditory function (Formation of perception of time, intensity, frequency and sound localization in space). By means of original method the author studies the effect of the provoked vestibular system on the auditory one at the formation of perception of time, intensity of sound, its frequency and localization in space.
Study Design: Experimental study.
Setting: Institute of Hygiene and Occupational Health, Department of Otorhinolaryngology and Otoneurology, Sofia, Bulgaria.
Conclusions: When discussing the data received the author underlines the change in the perception of time, relying on the theory of relativity of Einstein. The author accepts that the brain structures of mechanism of the biological clock increase multi-million times the insignificant of cosmologic aspect acceleration, applied on the vestibular system. In analogical aspect is treated also the data of the effect of the provoked vestibular apparatuses on the visual system in the formation of perception of space, when the organism is in non inertia state. Interpretation is given also to some pseudo-Doppler phenomena.
Key words: Auditory function, Vestibular analyzer, Otoneurological syndrome.
Pro Otology 2-3:113—117, 2004
The idea of the method concerning the effect of the stimulated vestibular analyzer on the auditory function arises from our work with vestibular-ill patients. During dizziness the patients very often complain of the feeling that time passes very slowly and that the intensity and frequency of sounds changes, etc.
According to our method we examined 230 persons (30 of them healthy) for the way of perception the period of repetition of a definite sound before and during a provoked vestibular crisis, sound intensity and its localization in space.
Later on we improved the method. The apparatuses constructed for this purpose by eng. I. Daskalov and eng. Genov include the following: electron stimulator; mobile arc with mounted loudspeaker, connected with the electronic stimulator; registration device connected with the electronic stimulator and with the switch, means for hand pressing and letting up by the patient. The work regime of the device is as follows: (a) regime with repeated short stimulus (duration from 0.7 ms); (b) regime with repeated stimulus of definite duration (from 20 to 200 ms) and definite frequency (0.8; 1.5; 3.6 kHz); (c) regime with periodically repeated stimuli with definite duration (from 20 to 200 ms) and frequency (0.8; 1.5 and 3.5 kHz). The regulation of the parameters of intensity of sound stimuli is the following: (a) regulation of the intensity of the sound stimuli from 40 to 80 dB through 1 dB; (b) regulating the period of repetition of the stimuli from 0.1 to 1 s; (c) regulating the duration of the stimuli from 20 to 200 ms; (d) regulating the frequency of the stimuli (for 0.8 kHz from 10 to 50 Hz through 10 Hz; for 1.5 kHz from 20 to 100 Hz through 20 Hz and for 3.5 kHz from 40 to 200 Hz through 40 Hz. The change of the direction of the already given sound stimuli is realized by special mechanic appliance, which consists of a stand, arc and fixer for the arc and the loudspeaker. In the place where the arc is fixed is a scale where the angle of the arc turning β through 5° could be read; the arc itself is also graduated - Δα. According to the pointed out angles could be calculated the angle in the horizontal area γ (horizontal angle) and the angle of the vertical area δ (vertical angle) after the formula:
Special table is used for the purpose which gives ready results.
The study is carried out as follows: The person sits on a chair with head turned back at 30°, resting it against the special fixer of the device. After that the apparatuses is switched on and the attention of the patient is directed towards the chosen parameters. For initial data we have taken the parameters: period of the sound repetition 300 ms; duration of the sound impulse 20 ms; sound intensity 60 dB; sound frequency 3.5 kHz; localization of the sound source 0° on the horizontal area and 5° on the vertical. After that a caloric provocation of one of the labyrinths is made and when the vestibular reaction occurs the patient is asked to give account of the changes, which the vestibular provocation has caused. Later the other labyrinth is also provocated. The data received are put on a diagram or given in figures.
Simultaneously with these changes we give an account of the deviations in the form of colored objects, their brightness, false frequency, etc. by our device (placed 3 m infront of the patient).
Table 1. Changes in the perception of time, sound intensity and its frequency after vestibular provocation. |
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By the aid of this method we have already examined 50 vestibular patients. There are some tendencies however considerably small. The largest group of patients with vestibular provocation shows a perception for time speed-up, increased intensity and risen frequency (after left-side provocation with 6 patients and after right-side provocation with 8 patients). For example the left-side vestibular provocation is followed by perception for time speed-up approximately with 35.7 ms for each 300 ms, rising the sound intensity with 5.6 dB and increasing the sound frequency with 108.6 Hz (for the sound with frequency 3.500 Hz). The right-side vestibular provocation with 8 patients provokes the perception for time speed-up, at an average 61.5 ms for each 300 ms, increase of intensity with 9.1 dB and raise of the frequency with 92.5 Hz. There is a false-Doppler sound effect, similar to “approaching” of “moving” sound source toward the patient. Exactly the reverse tendency is observed with 4 other patients, where the right-side provocation causes a delay in time with 65 ms for every 300 ms, decrease of the sound intensity with 4.5 dB and falling of the sound frequency with 180 Hz. Again we have a false-Doppler effect, but not similar to quickly “passing” sound source along the examined patient.
The remaining groups of patients show other combinations, which don’t correspond to the requirements of the Doppler’s effect. As an example we shall give a group of 3 patients, who after right-side provocation receive perception for time delay at an average of 140 ms for every 300 ms, decrease of the sound intensity at an average of 6.3 dB, but with an increase of the frequency with 93.7 Hz (at background frequency 3,500 Hz).
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FIG. 1A, 1B. |
When giving the present data we have in mind the results of other 230 persons (30 of them healthy). It was then we established that ⅓ of the healthy people show a deviation in the perception of time after vestibular provocation. Analogical deviations are received with ⅔ of the patients. While with healthy people the left- and right-side vestibular provocation causes equal per cent of perception for speed-up and time delay, with vestibular-ill persons a tendency for speed-up of time is established mainly after provocation of the left labyrinth, and for delay of time-after provocation of the right labyrinth. The values of the time lost are twice and three times more than the time speed-up. For instance, if with a healthy person the time speed-up is at an average of 40 ms for every 300 ms, the delay of the same is at an average of 120 ms for every 300 ms. These values depend both on the functional status of the vestibular analyzer (found in hypo-, normo- or hyperreflexia) and on the otoneurological syndrom (as labyrinth, combined, central). Thus patients with absolute vestibular hyporeflexia are inclined to give the highest values for time delay (for example for every 300 ms they have a time delay at an average of 320 ms). There are also other characteristic phenomena for the perception of time, intensity and sound localization in space, connected with different topic of the disease process. By means of registration devices we have studied the vestibular-auditory-motor reflex time.
In some other publications we have given an interpretation of part of the established facts. We have drawn the attention on the carrying out of impulses in the field of synapses, and treated the problem of functional vestibular background, which is present in the cortex of the visual, auditory and other analyzers.
In the present article we treat the problem of determination the function of the higher sensoriness of the objective reality, and particularly when the vestibular apparatuses are under acceleration (in non inertia state).
Newton introduced his “absolute time” as something unchangeable, out of everything and independently of everything. According to Einstein the conception “time” depends on how the world is arranged. It could be different. The idea that the interval of time between two events is different for the separate observers (after the theory of relativity of Einstein) is extremely unusual for the “common sense”. It is necessary for the problem to be discussed in brief in order to understand where the difference comes from.
Let’s choose as first event the emanation of light signal from a given source (apparatuses). The signal is directed and reflected by a mirror placed on distance 7 from the source. As second event we define the moment of returning and falling of the reflected light signal in the receiver (FIG. 1A). According to the observer’s point of view, who is in rest in respect to the device the so called time (i.e. interval of time between two events) is determined by the passed by the light impulse distance 2l, divided on the light velocity:
This observer could use the described device as a clock. The principle for clocks of different types is based on the supposition that the swinging of the pendulum or the fluctuation of the balance is performed for the same period of time.
Let’s imagine that this source of light (the device) moves evenly with velocity V in direction perpendicular to the line, connecting the source (device) and the mirror (reflector). Now let’s determine the interval of time between the two events: (1) the emanation of light signal and (2) its returning, but of the point of view of the observer “in rest” who traces the passing of light source (FIG. 1B) besides him. This observer will see that for the time when the light signal has passed in direction to the mirror, the latter (the mirror) has moved forward and exactly as much as the source of light and the receiver of light have moved. This means that the light signal is moving in a diagonal line. It could be seen from the stand-point of the observer “in rest” that the period of time between the two events (emanation of the light signal and its return) is prolonged, as the distance passed by the signal has became longer, and the velocity which is the velocity of light, doesn’t depend on the movement. How much the period of time will be prolonged could be revealed by calculation. As a result is received that the period of time between the two events, of the observer’s view point is equal to:
where v is the velocity of the moving device, and c is the light velocity.
In this way in the view point of the observer “in rest” all clocks in the moving system, based on the principle of emanating and accepting light impulses move more slowly, as the period of their fluctuations is prolonged. If the observer “in rest” wishes, he could declare to the observer “in motion” that his clock is moving more slowly, because the interval of time between both events, mentioned above, is considerably long, However, the observer “in motion” could state to the observer “in rest”, on the same grounds, that his clock (of the person “in rest”) moves slower, because of his point of view (if he agrees with the conceptions of Einstein), he is “in rest”, and the observer “in rest” moves with the same velocity in the reverse direction. The convenience of the new notions is that we have a choice to accept that either time is the same in the moving and unmoving system, but everything happens more slowly in the moving system, or that the moving system changes only its temporary interval.
In Minerva Otorinolaringologica, No. 2, p. 96-107, 1976, we have discussed the problem on the effect of the provocated vestibular apparatuses on the visual function in forming the perception for space, and we established some characteristic tendencies in the deformation of colored light objects. We want to give some ideas concerning the changes on the length of objects, to be found under the effect of ac celeration.
The physicist Lorenz of Holland and Fitzgerald of Ireland established that if one unmovable in the ether sticks (with length l) is put in motion with acceleration v in respect to the ether, the stick becomes shorter in the direction of acceleration and the length of the moving stick becomes:
We could imagine this (as Janoshi
reckons) that the body moving with velocity v through the ether was exposed to
the pressing of the wind of the ether flattens the body in proportions
corresponding to its velocity. By the deformations of Lorenz one could explain
the deformations of time and length. When the clock “in rest” is accelerated in
such a way as to move at the end with velocity v, there is a delay in the
clock’s speed (in comparison to its initial speed it is slower with multiplier
). Between the two relative effects (Lorenz shortening of length and delaying of
clocks) is a basic relation, as the extent of both effects is characterized by
the multiplier
. This means that simultaneously with the delay of time the clock
it is deformed, when its velocity in respect to the ether increases.
The general theory of relatively treats the problem of gravitation’s effect on different phenomena as well. The close connection between gravity and acceleration is formulated on the principle of equivalence: homogeneous gravitation field is equivalent to the constant acceleration. Lajosh Janoshi, reckons that in close proximity to mass, having gravitation effect with ether, there is an effect of tension. As a result of this tension the ether contracts as an elastic body around the source of gravitation in direction to the effect. The light spreads in the deformed and expanded in this way ether, as in expanded, inhomogeneous transparent body. The supposition that when the light ray passes through the gravitation field it has to be deformed, is already proved by the astronomers.
It is very difficult to range at present over the numerous scientific data in the field of physical reality even by the most knowledgeable physicist. Even more difficult is the task of the physician, psychologist, philosopher, etc. who have to discover the objective laws of the higher nervous activity, reflecting precisely the constant changeable environment of the individual.
The perception of delay and speed-up of time is higher psycho physiological manifestation, realized by many and different mechanisms. Changing the function of the gravitation mechanisms of the individual we put the individual in non-inertia readiness. By means of provocation of the vestibular apparatuses and studying the changes in the period of sound repetition in space (by our method) we in fact examine 2 persons: the investigated and the investigator. These two persons are in different physical state, i.e. in relation to the investigator the investigated person is in non-inertia state and the passing of his time has to be as follows:
where T is the time of the investigating person, T’ - time of the investigated person, -”velocity of motion” of the investigated person, c - light velocity.
This means that of the view point of the observer (the investigator) “in rest” the biological clock in the investigated person “In motion” works more slowly (according to Einstein). However, this concerns only cases, where the provoked person shows a delay of time. We have in mind that the applied acceleration in our cases is insignificant, in order to explain such phenomena by the formula, save we accept, that the living organism possesses amazing mechanism, increasing million times the effect of the “insignificant” acceleration on the organism. It is well known that on one receptor cell of the sensory organ (for example the auditory) correspond thousands and millions of cells, situated in the cerebrum stem and the cortex. Besides, the applied accelerations on the vestibular analyzer, in terms of the organism, are not so “insignificant” (for example 100°/sec² or 1000°/sec²).
In order to explain the contrary tendency, i.e. the speed-up of time of the investigated person, we should accept the opposite non inertia tendency, connected with changes in the mechanism for perception of time. It is curious that the provocation of the left labyrinth with labyrinth-ill patients most frequently leads to a speed-up time perception, while the provocation of the right labyrinth provokes mainly perception of time delay. It is evident that on the background of the sensory function symmetry, an asymmetry is outlined again, as a new qualitative phenomenon of the individual. The elucidation of this phenomenon will contribute to the clarification of the triggerating mechanism for the biological clock’s rhythm. Some of these mechanisms are closely connected with the mental and emotional spheres of man, which appear as the highest manifestations of the individual. Our attention is directed towards the auditory system, but to that part more closely connected to the vestibular system. The constant current of 60-70 impulses per second in rest of the vestibular system (especially its otolith component), representing “zero” condition of this system, the lack of sign of fatigue and adaptation, make it possible pretender as leader of the rhythm of the higher sensoriness, especially on the auditory system in the formation of perception of time and on the visual system in the perception of space.
In analogical aspect are our conceptions concerning the vestibular effect on the visual function, described in Minerva Otorinolaringologica, No. 2, 1976. The fact that the vestibular provocation (determined by applied acceleration) determines deformation mainly of the long-wave range of the light spectrum give ground to claim, that this peculiarity is due to its duty as gravitation receptor. The red shifting of the light ray, passing through the gravitation field is an already proved fact. We think that human gravitation analyzer (the most differentiated component of which is the vestibular system) has the obligation to perceive an actually changed light ray, passing through a gravitation field. Even the established by us “increased” or “decreased” mass of the observed colored objects, when the vestibular system is in non inertia state, we are obliged to seek for a interrelation between the described phenomena for the actual space, time, mass, distance, gravitation etc. by the brain mechanism and reflector, to be found in the fine structure of the higher sensory-ness (vestibular, auditory, visual). We maintain the attitude for the multimillion increase of the “insignificant” of cosmologic aspect effect of acceleration, applied by the vestibular system on the auditory and visual systems.
The basic purpose of the distant sensory organs is to perceive the environment and prepare the organism for its adaptation in due time to the occurring dynamic changes. This requires their study to be carried out in the light of knowledge concerning the global physical and physiological reality, no matter how difficult it will be at present.
Janossy L. Reiativituselmelet es lizikai valosag. Gondolat Konyvkiado, Budapest, 1969.
Kehaiov AN. Effect of the injured veslibular function on vision. Min. Oto. 1976;26(2):96-9.
Kehaiov AN. Effect of the injured vestibular function on vision. Direction of false deformalion . Min. Oto. 1976;26(2):102-4.
Kehaiov AN.Influences vestibulaires sur les fonctions visuelles et auditives chez des sujets atteints de la maladie du bruit et des vibrations. Agressologie 1976;17(D):31-5.
Kehaiov AN. Vestibuläre Einwirkungen auf die Gehösfunktion. Verhandlungen der Gesellschaft für Neurootologie und Aequilibrometrie e.v., Band V, Klinische Aequilibrometrie und Audiometrie. Edition m+p, Hamburg und Nen Isenburg, 1976:163-76.
The paper was published in journal Minerva Otorinolaringologica, 27, 1977. This publication is with the permission of Prof. Atanas Kehaiov
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