May 15-18, 2003
Stara Zagora-Zheravna
International Interdisciplinary Meeting in
Otology & Neuro-Otology
Honorary President: Prof. Dr. Jacques Magnan
Official guest: Mirko Tos
Official guests: 1999 Metin Onerci, Turkey; 2000 Keehyun Park, South Korea;
2001 Emmanuel Helidonis, Greece; 2002 Erwin Offeciers, Belgium
2003 Mirko Tos, Denmark
Anatomy, Acoustic Neurinoma Surgery, Audiology, Cholesteatoma Surgery,
Cochlear Implants, Complication of Otitis Media, Facial Nerve Paralysis, Head Trauma, Immunopathology, Oto-Neuro Surgery, Otosclerosis, Plastic Surgery,
Skull Base Surgery, Tympanoplasty
Organized by:
Clinic of Otorhinolaryngology, Clinic of Neurosurgery
Medical Faculty, University Hospital, Trakia University Stara Zagora
Bulgarian society of Otorhinolaryngology
Bulgarian society of Neurosurgery
Under the auspices of European Academy of Otology and Neuro-Otology
Dear Colleagues,
The aim of the future meeting is to study theoretical and practical sides of one of the most frequently met sufferings in the Otological and Neuro-Otological practice-Vertigo. The idea to be organized a meeting under this name appeared as a result of the desire, shared from the specialists which participated in the Friendly Meeting in Otology & Neuro-Otology May 19-23, 2002 Stara Zagora. We hope that the lectures, video-presentations and discussions will contribute to practical use for everyone who will join our happening.
We welcome you to our Vertigo meeting.
Direction: Public Health; Social Important Disease Struggle
Prophylacsis of Auditory-Vestibular Disorders
Thursday, May 15, 2003
From 14:00 Registration Lobby Vereya Hotel
18:45 Opening Ceremony, Concert
19:45 Cocktail Ewopharma, Germany
Friday, May 16, 2003
1-st Session (Invited Lecturers)
Cherman: P.Dimov, Secretary: A. Stefanov
7:30 - Opening Words,
7:40 - Videonystagmography. J. Magnan, France-30 min
8:10 - Treatments of Meniere Disease: Endolymphatic Sac Shunt Surgery, Vestibular Neurectomy. M.Tos, Denmark-25min
8:35 - Vestibular Screening. N. Ozgirgin, Turkey-20 min
8:55 - Questions, Pause
2-nd Session (Invited Lecturers)
Cherman: T. Karchev, Secretary: P. Rouev
9:05 - Sudden Hearing Loss. Diagnostic and Therapeutic Problems. Em. Helidonis, Greece-20 min
9:25 - Pontocerebellar Epidermoids. V. Bussarsky, K. Romansky et al., Bulgaria-20 min
9:45- Medical therapy of vertigo. A. Koitschev, C. Koitschev, Germany-10min
9:55- Questions, Ewopharama Presentation
10:00 - Coffee Break with Ewopharama
3-rd Session (Invited Lecturers)
Cherman: N. Ozgirgin, Secretary: R. Christova
10:30 - Vestibular Neurotomy. J. Magnan, France-30 min
11:00 - Treatments of Meniere disease: Round Window Gentamycin Treatment, Pressure Equalization Treatment (Grommets and Meniere). M. Tos, Denmark-20 min
11:20 - Application of the CO2 Laser in Middle Ear Surgery. S. Jovanovic, Germany-15 min
11:35 – Surgery of Vertigo, Acoustic Neuroma Surgery. N. Goksu, Turkey-15 min
11:50- Balance-Navigator- Software Based Tool for Equilibrium. A. Koitshcev, Germany-15 min
12:05 – Questions
4-th Session
Chairmen: P. Valkanov, V. Gadzheva, Zh. Zhetchev, A.Boteva
13:00 – Poster Session
5-th Session
Chairman: A.Kotschev , Secretary: K. Tenev
13:30-Translabyrinthine Surgery, Middle Fossa Surgery in Small Countries. M.Tos, Denmark-15 min Invited Lecturere
13.45-Tympanic Membrane Reconstruction after Total Perforation. T. Karchev, Bulgaria-15 min
14:00-Vertigo and Scuba Diving. C. Uzun, Turkey-10 min
14:10-Modified Surgical Technique for Combined Congenital External and Middle Ear Malformation. M. Stankovic, Serbia-10 min
14:20-The Epley Maneuver; Our 8-year Experience in 460 Patients with Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo. E. Prokopakis et al., Greece-10 min
14:30-Question, Pause
6-th Session
Chairman: R. Bentchev, Secretary: St..Valkanov
14:30- Balance Disorders in Otosclerotic Patients. S. Lolov et al., Bulgaria-10 min
14:40 - Indication and Outcome of Cochlear Implant (CI) Surgery in Adults. A. Limberger et al., Germany-10 min
14:50- Piracetam in Patients with Chronic Vertigo. R. Benchev, Zl. Zhelyazkova, Bulgaria-10 min
15:00- Presentation and Coffee Break with UCB Pharma
7-th Session
Chairman: Chr. Chouchkov, Secretaries: V. Marinov, P. Rouev, K. Tenev
15:30 –Live Cadaver Dissection with Storz, Germany
15:35 - Vestibular Neurectomy; Neurinoma Surgery by Retrosigmoid and Translabyrinthine Approach. J. Magnan, France
16:15 - Ttranslabyrinthine Approach for Acoustic Neuroma. Em. Helidonis, Greece
16:50 – Pause
8-th Session
Chairman: C. Uzun, Secretary: St. Shishkov
17:00- One-shot Stapedectomy with the CO2 Laser. S. Jovanovic, Germany-15 min
17:15-Revision Stapedectomy. G. Edrev et al., Bulgaria-10 min
17:25-Audiologic Evaluation in Vestibular Neurinitis. R. Yagiz et al., Turkey-10 min
17:35-Questions, Pause
9-th Session
Chairman: C. Uzun, Secretary: St. Shishkov
17:40 – Servier Symposium: "Eurespal-the New Specific Treatment for Acute and Chronic Otitis Media and Upper Respiratory Tract Infections"-45 min
19:30 – Cocktail+Discotheque with Servier, France
Saturday, May 17, 2003
10-th Session
Chairman: St. Lolov, Secretary: M. Kirkov
7:45 - Vertigo by Computer. (Training program). P. Dimov, P. Rouev, K. Tenev et al.-30 min
8:15 -Er-YAG Laser in Treatement of Otitis Media with Effusion. V. Pavlov -10 min
8:25 -Endoscope Assisted Microneurosurgery of Vestibular Schwanomas. V. Gerganov et al., Bulgaria -10 m
8:35- Questions, Pause
11-th Session
Chairman: M. Stankovic, Secretary: G. Stoyanov
8:45 - Imaging in Vertigo. J. Magnan, France-20 min (Invited Lecturer)
9:05 - New Challenges in Management of Vestibular Schwannoma: Increasing Incidence, Growth, Wait and Scan. M. Tos, Denmark-20 min (Invited Lecturer)
9:20 - Results of Cholesteatoma Surgery: The Influence OG Age-M. Stankovic et al., Serbia-10 min
9:30 - Questions, Coffee Break
12-th Session
Chairman: P. Dimov, Secretary: P. Rouev
10:00 - A New Conservative Treatment of Outstanding Ears and a New Otoplasty. M. Tos, Denmark-15 min
10:15 - Secretory Otitis Media, Acute Otitis Media. Y. Kemaloglu, Turkey-10 min
10:25 - Chronic Cholesteatomatous Otitis in Children and Adults. A Retroprospective Study of 250 cases. Th. Chimona, E. Prokopakis, Greece-10 min
10:35- Balance Disorders in Otosclerotic Patients. S. Lolov et al., Bulgaria-10 min
10:45-Closing Remarks, Certificates
Stand by Papers, Poster Session
1. Alternobaric Vertigo in Sports Scuba Divers. C. Uzun, R. Yagiz, A. Tas, M. Adali, M. Koten, N. Inan, A. Karasalihoglu, Edirne, Turkey
2. Effect of Middle Ear Effusion on Otoacoustic Emmisions. A. Tas, R. Yagiz, C. Uzun, M. Adali, M. Koten, M. Tas, A. Karasalihoglu, Edirne, Turkey
3. Obstructive Sleep Apnea. Y. Kemaloglu, Ankara, Turkey
4. Bacteriologic and Histomorphometric Evaluation of Preoperative Medicamentous Treatment of Chronic Otitis Media-M. Stankovic et al., Nish, Serbia
5. Auditory-Vestibular Disorders by Otobasis Fractures. K. Tenev, P. Rouev et al., Stara Zagora, Bulgaria
6. Hearing Loss in Women with Osteoporosis. R. Hristova, St. Vladeva et al., Stara Zagora, Bulgaria
7. Simple Staining Technique for Diagnosing Otomycosis. Vl. Zahov, Sofia, Bulgaria
8. Hyperacusis: Review and Clinical Guidelines. D. Marev, Varna, Bulgaria
9. Ultrastructure of Programmed Cell Death in the Growth Cochlea of the White Rats. E. Ivanov, K. Koitchev, Pleven, Bulgaria
10. Headache and Facial Pain. R. Raitchev, N. Petkov, E. Borisova, R. Melamed, Sofia, Bulgaria
11. Vibration and Strength Theoretical-Experimental Studies of Prostheses for Ossiculoplasty and Stapedoplasty. V. Milkov, Varna, Bulgaria.
Friday, May 16, 2003
Social Program of Accompanying Persons
10:00 – 11:00 Neolithic Village Museum
11:15 – 12:00 Art Gallery
14:30 – 15:30 Antique Forum Augusta Trayana
Saturday, May 17, 2003
Social Program, Balkan Tour, 1-st day
11:30 - Start Transport Stara Zagora – Zheravna (sport dressing; bring your camera)
13:30 – 15:00 Lunch Restaurant “Han Karadjeikata”
15:00 – 15:30 Transport “Han Karadjeikata” - Zheravna
15:30 –16:30 Accommodation in the Hotels
16:30 - 18:30 Tour Museums (sport dressing; bring your camera)
19:30 - Dinner
Sunday, May 18, 2003
Social Program, Balkan Tour, 2-nd day
08:00 – 08:30 Breakfast
08:30 – 09:15 Walk in Zheravna village
Assoc. Prof. Pavel Dimov, MD
President of Vertigo Meeting
International Interdisciplinary Meeting in Otology and Neuro-Otology
Stara Zagora, Bulgaria
Number of Participants limited 120 Persons
Fee for a participation: 25 EURO (50 Lv)
The fee includes attending in sessions, Program, Certificate, Badge, 3 coffee breaks, Journal "Pro Otology"
Registration Fee(Full Package)
by March 30, 2003 75 EURO after 85 EURO
The fee include: Attending in sessions, Program, Certificate, Badges, 3 coffee breaks, 2 dinners,
1 lunches, 2 nights at the ***hotel Vereya, Journal "Pro Otology"
Balkan Tour Stara Zagora-Zheravna, May 17-18, 2003(Only after reservation!)
Number of Participants limited 40 Persons
Price 40 EURO
May 15-18, 2003
We have the pleasure to inform you that the Vertigo Meeting, International Interdesciplinary Meeting in Otology and Neuro-Otology will be held on 15-18 of May, 2003
Presidents:Assoc. Prof. P. Dimov, Assoc. Prof. P. Valkanov
Location:Hall 1Complex “Vereya”.
Fee for a participation: 25 EURO (50 Lv)The fee includes: Attending in sessions, Program, Certificate, Badge, 3 coffee breaks, Journal "Pro Otology"
Food:Breakfast 2.5 EURO; Lunch 5 EURO; Dinner 8 EURO
Hotel Accommodation:special price only for Vertigo Meeting
* * * Vereya Hoteldouble guest rooms: 20 EURO per night, (tel.+359 42 267 28)
Please, note that the rooms can only be blocked until March 30, 2003
Registration Fees (Full package):The special fee 75 EURO is only for meeting if you register till March 30, 2003 (85 EURO after).
The fees includes: Attending in sessions, Program, Certificate, Badges, 3 coffee breaks, 2 dinners,
1 lunches, 2 nights at the hotel, Journal "Pro Otology"
Registration:The official registration will be done before the beginning of the Vertigo Meeting in the lobby of Complex “Vereya”, May 15, 2003 and May 16, 2003.
Payment:The receiving payment office will be opened from 12.00 on May 15, 2003 and May 16, 2003 in the lobby of Complex “Vereya”.
Office address:
Dr. Petar Rouev, MD
Clinic of Otorhinolaryngology, University Hospital
11 Armeiska str., 6000 Stara Zagora, Bulgaria
Phones: ORL Clinic 00 359 42 28 19 356; Neurosurgery Clinic 00 359 42 28 19 307
Tel./fax 00 359 42 600 725, E-mail:
Pro Otology
Balkan Journal of Otology and Neuro-Otology, e-mail:
Official Language English
Working languages: English /Bulgarian
Pro Otology, vol. 3, num. 1 - April 01, 2003
Guidelines for Authors “ProOtology”
Connected to the printing of the articles in the new journal “Pro Otology” it is necessary the last to be presented in an issue in English and also one prepared on a diskette /1.44’’/; MS Word’’ 97, 98, 2000 program; abstract in English in 15 rows, 3 key words; text figures and tables in 6 standard printed pages / 30 rows; shrift Hebar; 60 signs at a row, the size of the letters – 12/ with the reference formed in accordance with the guidelines for authors of Otology & Neurotology (American Journal of Otology).
Poster’s size to 500/700 mm
Registration Form
Name:..................................First name:.....................................................
Mr.......... Ms........Mrs..........Prof..........Assoc. Prof...........Dr.................
Hotel..........………...…. May 15....... May 16.. .. May 17......double room
Title of article (presentation)........................................................................
Title of poster: ..................….......................................................................
USD Hebros Bank, Plovdiv, Bulgaria
Swift Code: Acbp Bg 2p 720 Branch Stara Zagora
For Name: Pro Otology; Account: 80077370-1100174013
BGN Hebros Bank, Stara Zagora, Bulgaria
Account: 80077370-9000174014
Signature: .....................................................Date: ..................…………..
Accompanying person
Name:..................................First name:.....................................................
Mr.......... Ms..........Mrs..........Prof..........Assoc. Prof...........Dr.................
Hotel..........………...…. May 15....... May 16.. .. May 17......double room
USD Hebros Bank, Plovdiv, Bulgaria
Swift Code: Acbp Bg 2p 720 Branch Stara Zagora
For Name: Pro Otology; Account: 80077370-1100174013
BGN Hebros Bank, Stara Zagora, Bulgaria
Account: 80077370-9000174014
Signature: .....................................................Date: ..................…………..
Please, send by e-mail and by mail the Registration Form! ! !
May 15-18, 2003
Balkan Tour |
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Zheravna is a small villageq situated in the middle of the eastern part of the Bulgarian Balkan Mountainsq at an altitude of 650 meters above sea level. |
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