ISSN: 1311-8633
Honorary Editor
Jacques Magnan
Marseille, France
Pavel Dimov
St. Zagora, Bulgaria
Petar Valkanov
St. Zagora, Bulgaria
Associate Editors
Emmanuel Helidonis
Crete, Grece
Metin Onerci
Ankara, Turkey
Todor Karchev
Sofia, Bulgaria
Venceslav Bussarsky
Sofia, Bulgaria
Editorial Board
Ahmet Karasalihoglu
Alexandar Petkov
Sofia, Bulgaria
Bulent Gursel
Ankara, Turkey
Dicho Dimov
Sofia, Bulgaria
Georgi Edrev
Sofia, Bulgaria
Kiril Romanski
Sofia, Bulgaria
Kuncho Kunev
Sofia, Bulgaria
Marin Marinov
Sofia, Bulgaria
Milan Stankovic
Nis, Serbia,Yugoslavia
Nuri Ozgirgin
Ankara, Turkey
Stephan Gabrovski
Sofia, Bulgaira
Vesselin Pavlov
Sofia, Bulgaria
Vladimir Popovski
Scopje, Macedonia
Yovka Spiridonova
Sofia, Bulgaria
Emeritus Board Members
Adrush Karkeselian
Sofia, Bulgaria
Emil Bogdanov
Sofia, Bulgaria
Eugene Myers
Pittsburgh, USA
Mirko Tos
Kopenhagen, Denmark
Ugo Fisch
Zurich, Switzerland
Vladimir Pavlov
Sofia, Bulgaria
 Balkan Journal of Otology & Neuro-Otology
Volume 2 - Number 3 - December 2002
May 15-18, 2003
Stara Zagora-Zheravna, Bulgaria
Editorial | 90 |
Report: General Assembly in Nice, 28 October 2002 | 91 |
BY-LAWS - European Academy of Otology and Neuro-Otology (EAONO) | 93 |
Tinnitus: Advances in Diagnosis and Management | |
Ar. Sismanis | 99 |
Chronic Otitis Media – Microbiological Findings | |
F. Jakimovska, M. Cakar, A. Lazarevski, A.Tudzarova, J. Clemmesen, E. Dimitrovski | 104 |
Audiology in Bulgaria Past, Present and Future | |
D. Popova, J. Spiridonova | 107 |
The Value of Preoperative Medicamentous Treatment of Chronic Otitis Media. Comparative Bacteriologic and Histomorphometric Study | |
M. Stankovic, D. Djordjevic, D. Popovic, E. Zivkovic, D. Mihailovic | 109 |
Auditory Field Intensity Range Changes – a Sign of Early Noise Induced Hearing Impairment | |
R. Simeonov, D. Vicheva | 113 |
Managment of Early Infection after Tympanoplasty | |
O. N. Ozgirgin, T. Ozchelik | 115 |
Incidence of Middle Ear Effusions and Behavior in Cleft Palate Children | |
K. Dzhambazov, Y. Atanassov, S. Andreeva,
A. Beshkova, L. Epitropova, R. Simov, Y. Simova | 117 |
Cochlear Implantation in a Patient with Cogan’s Syndrome and Ossified Cochlea. Case Report. | |
L. Migirov, T. Dagan, J. Kronenberg | 121 |
Hearing and Vestibular Disorders Related to Head Injuries | |
I. Jovchev, S. Konsulov, A. Beshkova,D. Pazardzhikliev | 123 |
Guidelines for Authors | 126 | |
Letter | 129 | |