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Pro Otology
Balkan Journal of Otology & Neuro-Otology, Vol. 4, No 2-3:127—132 © 2004
All rights reserved. Published by Pro Otology Association
Constitution of The Balkan Society
of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology Head and Neck Surgery
We express special gratitude to Prof. Emmanuel Helidonis, Greece who was so kind to give us
“The Constitution of the Balkan Society of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery”!
Article I
This organization is known as the Balkan Society of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology Head and Neck Surgery (BSOHNS).
It is a non-profit and a non political organization.
Its central office is located in the country of residence of the General Secretary.
Article II
1. To promote the advancement of otorhinolaryngology head and neck surgery (ORL-HNS) in the Balkan countries.
2. To encourage close relationships among otorhinolaryngologists and allied professionals in the Balkan countries.
3. To organize congresses, meetings, seminars, courses and other scientific activities throughout the Balkan peninsula.
4. To encourage and facilitate the exchange of otolaryngologists among Balkan countries for clinical, research and educational purposes.
5. To assist the Organizing Committees of the Balkan Congresses by ORL-HNS.
6. To engage in activities that are appropriate to the advancement of Balkan ORL and to link it with other National and International Organization such as IFOS, EUFOS, AAO-HNS, and European Academy of Otology and Neurootology (EAONO).
7. To represent ORL interests in national and international organizations dedicated to the prevention and control of diseases and disorders related to ORL and to the training of otorhinolaryngologists with special emphasis to these occurring in the Balkan countries.
8. To appoint committees which will be engaged in activities related to ORL.
9. To counsel Government and non Government organizations in issues related to ORL.
10. To prepare, publish and distribute to all members a BALKAN ORL scientific journal. The name of the journal will be Balkan Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery.
11. To prepare, publish and distribute any other scientific material helpful for the advancement of Otorhinolaryngology.
Article III
The Society’s seal will consist of a round-graphic representation of the Balkan region and its circumference shall bear the Society’s name and the year of foundation.
Article IV
The official language of all scientific and other activities will be English and also the language of the host country where such activities take place.
Article V
1) A member-Balkan country is a country represented by one or more member-societies recognized by the General Assembly as representative of ORL of that country.
2) A member-society is a national ORL society with 5 or more members recognized by the Administrative Board.
3) Natural persons members of any Otorhino-laryngologic Society of a Balkan country as well as individuals from other countries and individuals who show a scientific interest as regards to ORL may become a member of the Society.
4) Applications for membership must be made in writing to the BSOHNS General Secretary. The application shall then be presented to the Administrative Board for approval or rejection.
5) Natural persons who have rendered exceptional services to the Society, will be declared Honorary members following a proposal submitted in writing by three members of the Society and on the basis of a resolution of the Society’s Administrative Board. The same holds true for any other person who wants to become a regular member of the Society.
Article VI
Each member – country, member – society and individual member agrees to:
1) Promote knowledge of and take an active interest in the objectives of BSOHNS.
2) Reply to all inquiries from the General Secretary within the time limits specified by him.
3) Keep the Administrative Board and its General Secretary informed of any events of interest to BSOHNS.
Article VII
1) BSOHNS is governed by a General Assembly composed of the delegates of the member-countries and individual members belonging to the Society. It acts through an Administrative Board. Alternate delegates may be designated by any member-country.
2) Each member-Balkan country is entitled to five delegates at each meeting of the General Assembly. In the absence of a delegate or the designated alternate of a member-country, a representative of a member-society may serve as delegate by presentation of evidence that he or she has been entrusted by the member-country so to serve.
3) Each member-Balkan country is entitled to one vote provided that they have paid all past and current dues six months to the Balkan Congress of ORL.
4) The Society’s honorary members will be entitled to participate in the meeting without having a right to vote.
5) A simple majority vote (one half of those present plus one) of those present at the General Assembly is binding on all matters coming before the General Assembly, except for changes in the Constitution and Regulations of the Balkan Congress of ORL.
6) The General Assembly holds its meetings at the Balkan Congress of ORL under the chairmanship of the President of BSOHNS.
7) It adopts its own rules of procedure and has authority to form committees and subcommittees to carry out specific functions.
8) The first order of business of the General Assembly is to receive the report of the President and General Secretary of the Administrative Board and Standing Committees.
Article VIII
1) To determine the policy of BSOHNS.
2) To elect the President, the General Secretary, the Members to the Administrative Board, the Members of the Standing Committees and the Councelors.
3) To ratify changes in the Constitution or to dissolve BSOHNS.
Article IX
1) The Administrative Board is composed of eleven (11) members of whom at least one must be from each Balkan country. It shall include a representative of the host country for the next Balkan Congress of ORL. The President, Vice President and General Secretary must also be members of the host Balkan country where the Balkan Congress of ORL will take place. The President of the Balkan Society and the President of the Congress shall be the same person.
2) The President of BSOHNS or his or her designate presides at all meetings.
3) The term of office for the President, for Administrative Board Members, for the General Secretary and for the Chairman of Standing Committees is until the next Balkan Congress of ORL.
4) The President, the Vice President and the General Secretary of BSOHNS are the organizers of the next Balkan Congress of ORL.
5) No Administrative Board Member may serve for more than two full consecutive terms.
6) Counselors and Chairpersons of Standing Committees may attend meetings of the Administrative Board.
Article X
1) The Administrative Board shall meet on the day before the opening of and on the last day of the Balkan Congress of ORL. It shall meet as often as is necessary for business of the Society.
2) Meetings of the Administrative Board are called at the discretion of the President after due notice to the Administrative Board Members.
3) Actions of the Administrative Board are published in the official journal of the BSOHNS.
Article XI
1) It is the duty of the Administrative Board to execute resolutions passed by the General Assembly and to take measures designated to further the objectives of BSOHNS.
2) It carries out the policies of BSOHNS during the interval between the General Assembly meetings and approves applications for admission of individual members of member-societies to BSOHNS.
3) It submits nominations for the President of BSOHNS the Counselors and the Chairmen of Standing Committees.
4) The Administrative Board elected at the General Assembly elects the President, the Vice President and the general Secretary who are all members of the Balkan host country for the next Balkan Congress of ORL.
It also elects the chairperson of each committee. The elections take place on the last day of the Balkan Congress of ORL. For such elections two-thirds of the voting members must be present. Elections will be decided by a simple majority, the President, casting a vote only in the event of a tie.
5) It deals with questions regarding ORL issues in the Balkan countries.
6) It prepares the agenda for the meeting of the General Assembly.
7) It represents the interests of Balkan ORL in relation to other organizations.
8) It should review, criticize and recommend changes it thinks necessary for improvements in the program of the Balkan Congress of ORL.
Article XII
1) The Nominating Committee is composed of three members who are elected by the General Assembly.
2) The Administrative Board selects the Chairperson of the committees from the three selected members.
3) The Nominating Committee proposes candidates for Members of the Administrative Board to be elected at the next Balkan Congress of ORL.
4) The nominations are delivered to the General Secretary three months before the Balkan Congress of ORL and presented to the General Assembly. Additional nominations may be made from the floor.
Article XIII
1) The Balkan Congress of ORL is held together with the National ORL Congress in a member-Balkan country. The site and duration are decided by the host country. Except in exceptional conditions, which must be approved by the Administrative Board, the site of the Balkan Congress may not be located twice in the same host country within ten years. The site should be rotated among the nine Balkan countries.
2) When a member-Balkan country introduces its candidacy as host country, it must prove that it is supported by its National ORL Society.
The member-country shall send to the General Secretary at least one year before the Balkan Congress the application which shall be approved at the General Assembly.
3) The chosen member-country must be a member of BSOHNS. The Organizing Committee of the Balkan Congress of ORL must consult with BSOHNS which will review the scientific program as it develops.
4) BSOHNS has no financial obligations in regard to the Balkan Congress of ORL.
Article XIV
1) The following are the Standing Committees
Bioethics in ORLHumanitarian in ORL
Continuing Education
Head and neck Oncology
Infections, Diseases
Noise-Induced Hearing Disorders
Technology in ORL
Pediatric ORL
Phoniatrics and Voice Care
Program Advisory
Nose and Paranasal Sinuses
Cranial Base Surgery
Lasers in ORL
Imaging in ORL
Information (Audiovisual, Internet)
Constitution and Regulation
Site Selection
2) Counselors Committee tasks AwardsConstitution and Regulations
Site Selection
3) The President may appoint and discharge with the approval of the Administrative Board, ad hoc committees which are necessary to carry out the work of the Society. Each committee may establish rules of conduct to be approved by the President.4) The committees have a four-year term. Chairpersons and members of the committees will serve no more that two full four-year terms.
Article XV
1) The officers of BSOHNS are the President, Vice President, General Secretary, Administrative and Board Members.
2) The officers are elected by a majority vote of the General Assembly until the next Balkan Congress and no more that four years.
3) Any vacancy occurring among officers during their term of office, may be filled by a majority vote of the Administrative Board, obtained by postal vote or its next meeting after counseling of the particular ORL National Society whose member was the departed officer.
4) In the case of a postal vote, the General Secretary will announce the vacancy in a letter sent to the National Societies and to the voting members of the Administrative Board.
Article XVI
1) The President is elected by the member-country chosen to organize the next Balkan Congress and approved by the General Assembly.
2) The President shall be from any member-country of BSOHNS, elected by the General Assembly on the recommendation of the Administrative Board.
3) The President of BSOHNS with the assistance of the Vice President and the General Secretary presides at all meetings of the General Assembly. The succeeding President shall be installed at the end of the meeting of the General Assembly. His or her term of office shall be until the end of the meeting of the General Assembly of the next Balkan Congress.
4) The President presides at meetings of the Administrative Board.
5) The President shall work very closely with the General Secretary and will implement the Constitution and decisions of the Administrative Board and General Assembly.
6) In the event of a tied vote by Members of the Administrative Board or the General Assembly, the President will cast the deciding vote.
Article XVII
1) The Vice – President is elected by the member-country chosen to organize the next Balkan Congress and approved by the General Assembly.
2) The Vice-President assists the President in presiding at all meetings of the General Assembly and in furthering the interests of the Society. He shall act for the President in his absence.
Article XVIII
1) The General Secretary is elected by the member-country chosen to organize the next Balkan Congress and approved by the General Assembly.
2) The General Secretary shall hold office from one Balkan Congress to the next. The General Secretary shall manage the business of the Society as directed by the Administrative Board and the President.
3) The General Secretary is responsible for keeping the minutes of the General Assembly and Administrative Board, conducting the correspondence of BSOHNS and keeping its records up-to-date.
4) The General Secretary collects the money due to the Society and keeps proper and necessary books of the incomes and expenses of the Society. These books shall be audited by the Audit Committee whenever is necessary.
5) The term of office of the General Secretary shall be until the end of the meeting of the General Assembly by the next Balkan Congress of ORL.
6) The General Secretary cannot simultaneously hold another office in BSOHNS.
Article XIX
1) Individuals recognized by their previous service to the interests of BSOHNS may be elected counselors. This position may be conferred by vote of the Administrative Board.
2) Counselors are appointed for a term of twelve years.
3) Counselors may be appointed to three Counselors Committees. The Committee on Awards, the Constitution and Regulations Committees and the Site Selection Committee.
Article XX
1) The Chairpersons of Standing Committees are nominated by the General Secretary and elected by the Administrative Board.
2) The Chairperson of a Standing Committee is responsible for the organization of the Committee. The Chairperson will report on the activities of the Committee to the General Secretary annually.
Article XXI
1) The procedure for voting in the General Assembly and in the Administrative Board is secret. This also applies to postal balloting.
2) For the election of the Chairperson of each Standing Committee a simple majority vote (one half of those present plus one) is needed.
3) For the election of the Administrative Board in the General Assembly a simple majority vote (one half of those present plus one) is binding.
4) In the Administrative Board, voting is limited to the eleven elected members. In the event of a tie, the President must cast the deciding vote.
Article XXII
1) The fiscal year of BSOHNS begins on January 1 and ends on December 3.
2) The resources of BSOHNS originate from :
A. The annual dues paid by member-countries, member-societies and individual members.
B. Subsidies, gifts and bequests that might be bestowed on BORL-HNS and accepted by the Administrative Board. The contribution from the Balkan Congress of ORL will be 5% of the registration fees and fees collected from exhibitors.
3) Dues.
A. Each member-country, member-society and individual member shall pay such amount each year as shall be determined by the Administrative Board, after due consideration of the relevant financial condition in that entity.
B. Member-countries, member-societies and individual members defaulting such payment may lose their membership at the discretion of the General Assembly following recommendation by the Administrative Board. They will automatically lose the right to vote at any subsequent General Assembly until their assessments are paid.
4) General Financial Reports.
A. The Administrative Board with the General Secretary shall prepare and submit to the General Assembly a financial report for the period following the preceding meeting of the General Assembly.
5) Budget.
A. Following the meeting of the General Assembly, a full report of the activities of the General Assembly and the Administrative Board and the financial report of the General Secretary, shall be sent to all member-societies.
Article XXIII
1) Revision of the Constitution can be approved only by the General Assembly.
2) Three member-countries, may submit to the General Secretary proposed changes in the Constitution at least six months in advance of a General Assembly meeting.
3) The Administrative Board may also propose changes in the Constitution.
4) The proposed changes, shall be sent to member-countries of the General Assembly at least two months before the meeting.
5) The proposed changes become effective if approved by two thirds of voting members present and entitled to vote at the meeting of the General Assembly.
6) Amendments to the articles of the Constitution may be prepared, providing they do not alter the original intent of these articles.
They must be proposed by one member-country. They will be sent to the General Secretary who will introduce them before the General Assembly for approval by a simple majority.
Article XXIV
1) When a General Assembly is convened for the purpose of the dissolution of BSOHNS, a quorum of at least two thirds of the voting members is required. Dissolution requires a two-thirds vote.
Regulations of the Balkan Congress of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology
Article 1
1) The host country of the next Balkan Congress is chosen by the BSOHNS Administrative Board and confirmed by the General Assembly. A simple majority vote of those present at the General Assembly is required.
2) It is desirable that the site of the Congress to be rotated among the nine Balkan countries.
3) If for any reason a member country when its turn comes cannot undertake the responsibility to organize the Congress, then another member-country should take the responsibility to organize the Congress.
4) It is preferable the Balkan Congress of ORL to be combined with the National ORL Congress of the host country.
The President of the next Balkan Congress is chosen by the host member country and approved by the General Assembly.
Article 2
As soon as the President of the Balkan Congress of ORL is chosen by the host member-country, the President has to set up the Organizing Committee of the next Balkan Congress.
Article 3
A. The official languages of the Balkan Congress shall be English and the language of the host-country.
B. A simultaneous translation should be available during the Congress.
Article 4
The Organizing Committee of the Balkan Congress of ORL shall assume the entire financial responsibility for the planning and execution of the Balkan Congress.
Article 5
The Organizing Committee of the Balkan Congress will plan the Scientific Program of the Balkan Congress
A. They will obtain the advice of selected experts who will be designated BSOHNS Program Advisory Committee. The Program Advisory Committee will communicate with the Organizing Committee of the Balkan Congress regularly. B. The Organizing Committee shall select topics for the panels and planer sessions and also develop instructional courses. In as much as is practical, scientific activities as those mentioned above, should have representatives of the member-country. Likewise program participants should be equitably distributed among member-countries.C. Representatives from National and International Organizations such as IFOS, EUFOS, AAO-HNS, EAONO and other, are in the interest of BSOHNS to be invited to the Balkan ORL Congress.
Article 6
The free paper sessions will be accessible to any otorhinolaryngologist registered at the Balkan Congress of ORL. If an excess of papers appears, the Organizing Comnmittee may make a selection from these free papers.
Article 7
Physical and technical facilities for the General Assembly of BSOHNS the meetings of the Administrative Board and of the Standing Committees of BSOHNS will be provided by the Organizing Committee during the Balkan Congress.
Article 8
The Organizing Committee of the Balkan Congress will be responsible for arranging the editing of the proceedings of the Balkan Congress of ORL.
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